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Final Fantasy XIV: 6 things to make her to release endwalker

FFXIV: What To Do Before Endwalker (Content You Missed) The new Add-on End Walker of Final Fantasy XIV starts its Early Access in 2 weeks. Here are some useful things that you can do to prepare for the expansion.

This is End Walker: The fourth add-on of FFI, end walker, appears on December 7, where pre-order will be able to play from 3 December. It concludes the 11-year-long history for the gods Madelyn and Zodiac and should be the highlight of the MMORPG.

The director Naomi Yeshiva promised the fans about 30% more story content than in the Add-on Shadow Bringers and that their open questions are answered in End walker. Also, as always, there will be new dungeons, a new 8-man RAID, two new jobs and other features.

Since the add-on is already quasi in front of the door, there are some things that you can make to release or early access to see well-prepared in final wobbler. Here are 6 of them.

1. Catch one quest

Above all, this point will affect newer players who started FFI only in summer or a few months ago. With End Walker, the current action sheet of the game is completed, and many story fans are looking forward to the grand finale.

But to better understand the final, you can do some side quests until the Early Access, if you have not met you.

Katsuki Ashikaga, one of the authors of the main scenario of FFI, has looked for its view, to make the quest rows around the devoured shades of Bahamas and the Raid of Omega.

Bahamas (also called coils) is a level 50 RAID, which can be easily done on Level 80 quite easily alone or in a small group. The first quest for it gets her from During in the Sonnenwind x: 6 / y: 4.9 (via Lodestone). Omega is a level 70 RAID, which you can either do without Level Synch with friends or over content search. The first quest for it gets her in Whalers wake up of wedge x: 12.6 / y: 12.4 (via Lodestone).

In the past, it happened that the conclusion of certain quest rows, such as the crystal tower RAID, has influenced dialogue options in new add-ons. It is possible that this will also be the case in end walker.

Personally, I would still add the list of war triads (Asgard Strebewerk of Refers X: 11.7 / Y: 11.6) and the Battle of Merlot skiing series (Penn x: 36.4 / y: 31.8 from the Mhigische Officer).

On the one hand, because they are perfect and on the other hand, because they have something to do directly with the Asians and Garland. Through them, you will learn additional details about the splinter worlds and the current situation in the barrels of Empire.

Both quest rows can be done pleasantly over the content search or in group with friends. Your story fights are not difficult.

2 . Clean up inventory

Since with each Add-on, there are a lot of new items in the game, it is a good idea to remove its inventory from final Bobby. I am myself a hoarder and knows that its hard: Maybe I need this piece of stuff someday? And I could still exchange these coins against armor.

But introduces you how many new cool equipment and chic clothes will be added for your projections with end walkers. You want to have enough space for it to participate in the true endgame. In the context, you can also clean up your projection plates. If some of them are not used little or no longer, their place can make room for the chic final wobbler outfits.

Apart from that: Leave also makes crap. With the sale of items to NPCs or on the market board you can also make some money shortly before final Bobby. You will not get rich overnight, except for you in the inventory really rare items.

So if you are just as a hoarder like me, then do yourself a favor and makes in your inventory a 6-month spring-cleaning. Otherwise, it can happen that you annoy you later.

3 . Get armor for new jobs

Where we are already with equipment. With end walkers, two new jobs will come to the game: Schnitzel (Reaper) and wiser (Sage). You will both start at Level 70 and if you want to play one of the two jobs directly to the Early Access of End walker, you can prepare accordingly.

For the melee-DD sitter, you can get a full set of the modified Schema armor of mutilation and the associated accessories. For the healer Weiser there is the modified Schema set of healing and the corresponding accessories.

Experience has shown that both sets should prove good services to about Level 83-84.

So far, the modified and RAID armor were always a few item levels higher than the armor, which has received in the first dungeons of the new add-ons. So you are well covered with the Schema sets.

In addition, these items are easy to get. You can exchange them in Whalers at the NPC Anna (x: 13.8 / y: 11-6) against the allergic stones of poetry. The stones are added to older dungeons and Daily content.

And as a bonus, you can connect very pleasantly the special stones for the event Mog Collection (via Lodestone), where there are cool rewards.

If you are not sure if the two new jobs are something for you, you can read our play reports:

Schnitzel Wise

4 . Level to lose any EXP

Speaking classes: With end walker, the announced reduction of numbers in the damage, life points, EXP and other values ​​comes in the game.

It should prevent it from coming to a strong inflation and the numbers rise to the billions, because it can also become a larger load for the servers. So make sure that your HP and other values ​​in end walkers will be smaller than currently in Shadow bringers.

Director Naomi Yeshiva warned in the past developer stream, however, however, that jobs and classes that are currently located between two levels will lose their collected EXP from 6.0.

That is, for example, if your white magnifier or Gerber is still about 30% EXT missing rising from Level 78 to level 79, then you should get this exp. Otherwise, you lose the already collected 70% because the EXP booth is reset to final Bobby.

If the EXS is not so important to you, or you are so masochistic as I with all classes on level 80, then considered this letter as void.

5 . Logout before the patch-day

Maintenance work Before the release of a new add-on, MMORPGs are the standard. After all, the developers have to put the whole new content in peace online and prepare the servers for the launch. For FFI, Reardon maintenance usually takes 24 hours.

Since the Early Access of End Walker is on 3 December, you can expect that on December 2, the servers will go offline during the day. Those of you who want to rush the next day directly into the events can optimally position themselves before logging out.

If you want to get started directly with the main story, you can position you in For Dona in Sonnenstein. There is expected to start the first story quest of End Walker. But if you want to unlock and play one of the two new jobs, you have to log out in Lisa Louisa for the wise and in ULday for the Schnitzel. More detailed information on the activation of the jobs will not be betrayed in the patch notes to encoders. We will make your own articles.

Thanks to the world trip system, you can also try to go to another server before servicing and playing the add-on there.

This was recommended by the Director Yeshiva, for example, for the launch of Shadow bringers, to distribute the load on the servers more even and reduce waiting times when logging in and is a tempting option, especially with well-attended servers such as Shiva or Ragnarök.

Consider two things:

Currently there are no servers in the European Region, which are considered understaffed or small. The status is according to Lodestone at all to Standard. That is, the utilization should be approximately balanced. In addition, you can not use your assistant on a foreign server and therefore do not have access to the advanced inventory. When returning to your home server, you would sit back in a snake and, for example, can not make instances.

So consider whether you want to log out on another server before the add-on server maintenance.

6 . Prepare yourself on the wait

The start of new add-ons is often connected to me in large MMORPGs server problems and queues. This is also what you can prepare for and should.

Especially in the case of end walker you can expect the queues to go to the thousands. That was already the case with Shadow bringers, even if the launch was very smooth.

However, FFI has given a strong boost of new and active players in recent months.

This came on the one hand that many WoW streamers started with the MMORPG and sparked the interest in FFI with their viewers. On the other hand, many inactive players returned to the game from their pause to catch up with the story before the final wharf and prepare for the add-on.

The director Yeshiva and his team are aware of the situation and have already announced that they do everything to make the launch of end walkers as easily possible. However, due to the current situation around Corona, they could not build new servers in good time in order to intercept the onslaught optimally.

I would nevertheless recommend you to look at you before 3 December after a job that can proceed as you sitting in the queue.

It can be a short Netflix series or an anime that you can view by incidentally, a book for reading or another game (for example, FFI Pixel Remaster). It is better prepared to be super-frustrated because you have long time in the queue.

And how do you prepare for end walkers? Are you really ready or there are still last preparations that you want to meet? Write it to us in the comments.

Incidentally, Final Fantasy XIV is so good that it is copied by Chinese mobile games:

Chinese Mobile Game Copies Three Final Fantasy XIV: Thats really shameless


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